Programs and Services
Smoking Cessation (STOP) Program
The CRCHC, in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) offers the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program for people who want to quit smoking.
We offer vaccination services to our clients of all ages. Most immunizations do not require a prescription and are available at both of our office locations.
Clinical Pharmacist
Our clinical pharmacist works closely with your primary care team to help make sure that your medications are working well and safely for you. They are available on-site to help you with managing your medications and answering your medication-related questions.
Virtual Care Services
Appointments with members of your care team can be done through a video appointment or via telephone.
Client Navigation and Care Coordination
People are healthier when they feel connected and are linked with social supports and resources in their communities. The Client Navigator at Country Roads can assist you with finding community services and resources.
Revive Naloxone and Smart Works Supply Program
The Revive program provides free Naloxone kits to community members to help save the lives of people in an overdose situation.
Palliative and End of Life Care
Also called end of life care, this is care provided to someone with a terminal illness or who is at the end of their life. This can be provided early in the course of illness, together with other treatment plans or therapies.
Lung Health Program
In partnership with ConnectWell Community Health, our Lung Health Program offers support for people living with lung disease.
Chiropody Program
In partnership with Sandy Hill Community Health Centre, our Chiropody program offers foot health services for registered clients of Country Roads Community Health Centre.
Diabetes Services
Certified Diabetes Educators will work with you and your provider to help you live well with diabetes. They will see clients with diabetes either in a group setting or in individual appointments.
Using videoconferencing from the CRCHC you can visit a doctor, specialist, or other health care provider closer to home. Telemedicine Services can be used for many types of medical visits, saving you time and money.
Foot Health
Foot Care Nurses at CPHC can provide an assessment of the feet, trimming, and filing nails, ingrown toenail care, corn care and callous reduction, thickened toenail reduction and skin care.
Arthritis Society
The Arthritis Society offers free assessments and treatment services to children and adults with Arthritis closer to home with regular clinics at our Portland Location.
Alzheimer’s Society Lanark Leeds and Grenville
Alzheimer’s Society Lanark Leeds and Grenville offers support, information and education to help people living with dementia, caregivers and health professionals.
Oral Health
Through partnership with Rideau Community Health Services, we offer two low income dental programs to eligible individuals. These programs offer BASIC dental coverage and services at no cost to the individual.
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program
Through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, Guthrie House hosts free tax clinics where volunteers do tax returns for low income earners.
Guthrie House
Guthrie House offers a range of health and social services available to residents of North Leeds. Guthrie House is an information link for residents of Rideau Lakes to find local services and activities.
Treat Hearing
Hearing health is known to be linked to cognitive health and overall health. It is recommended that people over the age of 60 have their hearing assessed.
East Region Virtual Care Clinic
East Region Virtual Care Clinic will improve timely access to care, reduce Emergency Department wait times and support patients in receiving care in the comfort of their home, whether it be by video or phone, from 1pm - 9pm, 7 days a week.