Programs and Services
Smoking Cessation (STOP) Program
The CRCHC, in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) offers the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program for people who want to quit smoking.
Lung Health Program
In partnership with ConnectWell Community Health, our Lung Health Program offers support for people living with lung disease.
Diabetes Services
Certified Diabetes Educators will work with you and your provider to help you live well with diabetes. They will see clients with diabetes either in a group setting or in individual appointments.
Using videoconferencing from the CRCHC you can visit a doctor, specialist, or other health care provider closer to home. Telemedicine Services can be used for many types of medical visits, saving you time and money.
Oral Health
Through partnership with Rideau Community Health Services, we offer two low income dental programs to eligible individuals. These programs offer BASIC dental coverage and services at no cost to the individual.