Programs and Services
Advance Care Planning
Advance Care Planning is a time to let people know what kind of health and personal care you would want in the future if you were unable to speak for yourself. It can help people and their substitute-decision-maker (SDM) prepare for the future.
Smoking Cessation (STOP) Program
The CRCHC, in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) offers the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program for people who want to quit smoking.
We offer vaccination services to our clients of all ages. Most immunizations do not require a prescription and are available at both of our office locations.
Clinical Pharmacist
Our clinical pharmacist works closely with your primary care team to help make sure that your medications are working well and safely for you. They are available on-site to help you with managing your medications and answering your medication-related questions.
Virtual Care Services
Appointments with members of your care team can be done through a video appointment or via telephone.
Revive Naloxone and Smart Works Supply Program
The Revive program provides free Naloxone kits to community members to help save the lives of people in an overdose situation.
Palliative and End of Life Care
Also called end of life care, this is care provided to someone with a terminal illness or who is at the end of their life. This can be provided early in the course of illness, together with other treatment plans or therapies.
Our social worker offers client-centered counselling to individuals, couples and/or families experiencing life challenges that may include but are not limited to anxiety, depression, grief/loss, relationship problems, stress, chronic pain, childhood abuse and other issues.
Nutrition Services
A Registered Dietitian offers both individual and group client education and support to help clients make informed decisions about their nutrition and lifestyle choices.
Laboratory Services
CRCHC offers very limited appointment spaces to have your bloodwork completed in our Portland or Westport locations.