Client Rights & Responsibilities
Take Part in your Health! At Country Roads Community Health Centre we are committed to providing competent and compassionate care, programs, and services that respect the rights and responsibilities of the clients we serve.
Clients have the right to:
Be treated with respect, courtesy, and dignity in a safe and secure environment
Receive high quality care regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability
Have their privacy respected by all staff, volunteers, and students
Consent to or deny the release of their personal health information
Receive professional care and know the name and professional designation of the people providing them with service
Issue a concern regarding their care and know their concern will be investigated and forwarded to the executive director
Access their own files in the presence of a health care provider and correct factual errors in their file
Receive information regarding services available to them
Receive information to help them make informed decisions about their care and participate in the planning and delivery of their care
Know when they are receiving services from a student and have the right to refuse services from students
Be involved in the development and evaluation of programs and services
Clients have the responsibility to:
Provide relevant information to their health care team
Be courteous and respectful of other clients, volunteers, students, and staff
Recognize that sometimes the needs of other clients may be more urgent than their own
Recognize that providers need not provide any treatment that they consider to be medically or ethically inappropriate
Arrive on time for appointments and inform staff if they have to cancel
Tell their health care team when they do not understand any information provided to them
Accept responsibility for the decisions they make about their care