Thank you for your support
Help support our community by donating to CRCHC.
Your donation, big or small, supports us by enhancing programs and services. This supports the health and well-being of our clients in cases where individual means are limited and/or other benefits or sources of funding have been exhausted.
By donating, you are not only supporting the work that we do but you are also investing directly into our community.
We, and our clients, would like to thank you for your contribution!
How to Donate
You can donate online, using the link above!
You can also send an e-transfer to or provide a cheque by mail or in-person. Cheques should be made payable to Country Roads Community Health Centre.
Donations of $20 or more will be issued a tax receipt. For more information about donating, please contact us at 613-272-3302.
CRCHC Charitable Registration No.: #107853517 RR 0001
Canada Revenue Agency -