Revive Naloxone and Smart Works Supply Program
What this program does
The Revive program provides free Naloxone kits to community members to help save the lives of people in an overdose situation. Naloxone (Narcan) is a drug that reverses an opioid overdose.
The Smart Works Supply Program offers access to safer drug use supplies at all three of our locations in partnership with the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit. Free, sterile supplies are available for individuals who are injecting or inhaling drugs. All supplies are single-use and accessing this service is confidential.
How this program works
Naloxone kits can be provided to anyone that
Is currently using opioids
Have a history of opioid dependency or,
Is a family member or friend of someone who uses opioids
Smart Works Supply Program is a
Harm reduction program that operates from a trauma-informed, empowerment model of care. Connecting people who use drugs to resources and information that positively impact health and wellbeing, without requiring abstinence as a prerequisite.
The list of supplies available include:
Needles for injection drug use
Needles for steroids use
Alcohol swabs
Cookers (spoons)
Straight pipes / stems
Bowl pipes
Mouth pieces
Condoms and lube
Sharps containers
How to access this services
You can get a Naloxone kit at any of the three Country Roads Community Health Centre locations. Please contact us for more information or visit
To access the Smart Works Safe Supply program please contact 613-272-3302 or call 613-359-6000 for services at Guthrie House in Elgin.
For additional information visit: Needle Syringe Program and Naloxone