Virtual Care Services

A virtual visit is an electronic exchange via videoconferencing, secure messaging, or audio digital tools, where health care providers deliver health care services to a client. Virtual visits may be a component of both telehealth and telemedicine services.

How this program works

Appointments with members of your care team can be done through a video appointment or via telephone. Please note you must be in the province of Ontario at the time of your appointment to receive services.

How to access this program

These services are available for clients of CRCHC as an alternative to meeting their health care provider in person. If you are interested in scheduling a virtual visit for your next appointment, please ask our reception team.

More information

Preparing for a Telephone Appointment

  • Find the right location

  • Private and comfortable

  • Free of distraction

  • Hearing aids or other accessibility devices

  • Health card

  • Optional – have a friend or family member assist for health knowledge or translation

Preparing for a Video Appointment

  • Find the right location

  • Private and Comfortable

  • Free of distraction

  • Brightly lit

  • Use headphones - better for privacy and sound quality

  • Glasses, hearing aids or other accessibility devices

  • Health card

  • Computer, smart phone, tablet

  • Test your equipment and internet connection

  • Optional – have a friend or family member assist for health knowledge or translation


Country Roads Community Health Centre provides comprehensive, coordinated, primary health care encompassing primary care, illness prevention and health promotion, in one-to-one service, personal-development groups and community-level interventions. Keeping people well, and keeping our communities healthy, is what we are all about. 


Clinical Pharmacist


Client Navigation and Care Coordination