Craving Change

A how to workshop for changing your relationship with food. Join us in learning more about why you eat the way you do, how to comfort yourself without food and change your thinking to change your eating! 

How this program works

Learn strategies to support improved relationships with food on Thursdays in February from 2:00pm - 4:00pm at Country Roads Community Health Centre in Portland.

How to access this program

Contact us or use the form below to register or learn more.

Megan Weber
Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator

Country Roads Community Health Centre
613-272-3302 Ext. 237

Register/learn more about Craving Change


Country Roads Community Health Centre provides comprehensive, coordinated, primary health care encompassing primary care, illness prevention and health promotion, in one-to-one service, personal-development groups and community-level interventions. Keeping people well, and keeping our communities healthy, is what we are all about. 


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