Brain Health Clinic

The Alzheimer’s society website also has a wide variety of Brain Health tools.

The Brain Health Clinic offers assessments and follow-up services for specific clients with concerns regarding memory and other areas of cognition. Through the Brain Health Clinic we provide treatment, as well as counselling, education and guidance for family caregivers of persons with memory and cognition challenges.

How this clinic works

Our team works in partnership with Providence Care and the Alzheimer’s Society. The team consists of a Physician, Occupational Therapist, Registered Nurse, Primary Care Pharmacist, and Alzheimer’s Society team members. Based on your primary care provider’s referral, you will visit with the team member most suited, but the team works collaboratively to address your unique needs.

How to access the clinic

You will need a referral from your health care provider. Please speak with them to find out if the Brain Health Clinic is a good option for you or your loved one. You can also call reception to ask about the Brain Health Clinic.

Additional information about Brain Health

When to call a doctor

As we get older, many of us notice some changes in memory, language, thinking or personality. But if memory loss or changes in language, thinking or personality starts to interfere with your daily activities and routines or those of someone you care about, you should speak to a doctor.

Some of the symptoms of memory loss can include:

  • Changes in performing daily activities or changes in job performance

  • Becoming more forgetful; having trouble with short-term memory

  • Needing more reminders

  • Forgetting recent conversations

  • Asking the same question over and over again

  • Forgetting appointments, special occasions, or forgetting to take medications

  • Difficulty finding the right word or losing one’s train of thought in mid-sentence

  • Regularly misplacing items, such as keys or wallet

  • Difficultly looking after finances (writing cheques, banking or investing money)

  • Getting lost in familiar areas

  • Changes in personality; for example, feeling sad, irritable or less interested​​​


Country Roads Community Health Centre provides comprehensive, coordinated, primary health care encompassing primary care, illness prevention and health promotion, in one-to-one service, personal-development groups and community-level interventions. Keeping people well, and keeping our communities healthy, is what we are all about. 


Advanced Care Planning


Smoking Cessation (STOP) Program