Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing is an approach which links clients to non-clinical services crucial to optimal health and wellbeing while building connections and a sense of belonging in their community. 

Social prescribing is a new spin on an old idea – that people are healthier when they are connected with social resources and supports in their communities. Social prescribing provides a structured way to address the social determinants of health and wellbeing for people accessing primary care.

Social prescribing is a way of referring people to a range of non-clinical services at the Centre and in the community. It complements medical treatments and seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. This approach goes beyond treating illness and seeks to reduce social isolation and loneliness and increase overall physical and emotional well-being.

In the U.K., social prescribing shows promising results in achieving positive outcomes for clients, healthcare providers, and communities overall. Clients have improved mental health, are less isolated or lonely, and are more physically active. Communities are also seeing improvements in people’s sense of connectedness and belonging.

How this program works

Although it looks different in different communities it often involves a referral from a health care provider, a supportive navigator who can connect and be with the client throughout, and a variety of health promotion and community development supports from the assets of both the centre and the community.

Country Roads Community Health Centre is participating in this innovative Social Prescribing Pilot with the Alliance for Healthier Communities, along with 10 other Community Health Centres (CHCs) across Ontario. Our Social Prescribing team has allowed us to identify gaps and create solutions for our clients and community.

How to access this program

If you have any questions or would like to know more about Social Prescribing please contact us.

Marci Bruyere
Manager of Programs and Services

Country Roads Community Health Center, Portland Location
613-272-3302 x241

More information

Volunteer with the Social Prescribing team

Volunteers and the skills they possess allow us to effectively work alongside one another to accomplish goals with our clients. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or have a skill you would like to share, please contact us!

How does social prescribing help the community? 

Our Social Prescribing Team reduces healthcare costs by linking people to social supports that underly their health problems and reduces reliance on medical services. In our program, the Navigator receives a  referral for a non-medical issue that is currently or possibly could lead to ill-health.  

The Navigator co-creates personalized solutions with each client based on self-identified needs and interests and serves as the connection between clinical providers and community resources.   

Throughout the navigation process the client learns how to identify, prioritize and self-advocate for their needs.  

Focusing on and strengthening communities through supporting access to supportive resources is the purpose of our Social Prescribing Team.  

What could a Social Prescription look like? 

Housing and financial stability along with food security and mental wellness are amongst the most common determinants referred to the Social Prescribing Team. Navigators facilitate the linking of clients to supports required for a healthy lifestyle.  

These supports could include services and linkages to informal and formal supports such as Good Food Boxes, community gardens, clubs, and groups to develop interests, support groups, form completion, and volunteer opportunities.  

Social Prescribing takes on a ‘no door is the wrong door’ approach and assists in navigating through many doors to find the best suited answer. 

Why is Social Prescribing needed? 

Loneliness and social isolation have both been identified as significant health threats resulting in a higher usage of systems. Social Prescribing connects clients to resources and supports within their community reducing these threats.  

Social Prescribing will increase the connectedness to social and community services for non-health related issues, from social isolation and loneliness to physical activity, food security and housing.  

The impact of Social Prescribing: 

Capacity is built within the community to better support its most vulnerable and marginalized populations and partnerships, whether formal or informal, are created to address the gaps. The benefit to the health systems is a reduction in cost and resources. The benefit to the client is improved health, a sense of community belonging and lower risk for health-related issues caused by poor relationships and lack of connectedness.  

Provincially Social Prescribing has generated evidence for improved wellbeing through participants reporting reduced social isolation, increased connectedness to community, improved sense of belonging, and a renewed sense of confidence and purpose.  

Clients feel empowered to personalize their care, take greater control of their own health, and engage in their community.  

Whole population approaches to supporting people of all ages to manage their physical and mental health and wellbeing helps to build community resilience and empowers people with complex needs to have greater choice and control over the care they receive and how it is offered in their community.  


Country Roads Community Health Centre provides comprehensive, coordinated, primary health care encompassing primary care, illness prevention and health promotion, in one-to-one service, personal-development groups and community-level interventions. Keeping people well, and keeping our communities healthy, is what we are all about. 


Home Alone Program


Good Food Box