CRCHC moving back to “Open Access” appointment scheduling
Beginning January 2024, Country Roads Community Health Centre is moving back to “Open Access” appointment scheduling. The “Open Access” approach has been implemented by many Ontario health care organizations and has been shown to help people access the health care they need when they need it and cut down on wait times.
How “Open Access” will better meet your needs
You will be able to see your Primary Care Provider, Doctor, or Nurse Practitioner more quickly when you have a health issue, usually the same day or next day.
By being able to receive quick medical attention at CRCHC, you will be less likely to need to travel to the local Emergency department.
What's going to be different?
Receptionists will not automatically schedule people for their next appointment months in advance.
Instead, after your appointment, Reception will give you a “reminder card” (that will recommend when to call for your next appointment).
Keep this card in a safe place so you will remember when to call to book your next appointment.
You can call on the day you want to be seen.
How do I book an appointment?
Please call us at 613-272-3302 (Portland) or 613-273-9850 (Westport) to arrange an appointment. We ask that you don’t just drop in so we can be sure we have enough time available for you.
You can also go to our website at to book an appointment online.
When you call to book your appointment, we will offer you an appointment on the same day or next day or an appointment that works better for you within the week.
If you have an urgent health issue, we will see you as soon as possible, however it may not always be with your usual Primary Care Provider.
We welcome your feedback at any time. We may ask you to complete some forms evaluating your wait time and experience.
Please note that this scheduling method only applies to appointments with your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner and not other services you may receive at CRCHC e.g. foot care, social work, diabetes clinic etc.