Ontario Works - United Counties of Leeds & Grenville

A woman accesses Ontario Works online with help from a friend.

Ontario Works helps people with basic needs, shelter and other expenses (e.g. drug and dental coverage). Ontario Works also supports your efforts to find work.

How to access service

A Case Manager is normally available by appointment at Guthrie House, but clients need to call the Brockville Office at 613-342-3840 or 1-800-267-8146 to apply for assistance, or apply online.


Country Roads Community Health Centre provides comprehensive, coordinated, primary health care encompassing primary care, illness prevention and health promotion, in one-to-one service, personal-development groups and community-level interventions. Keeping people well, and keeping our communities healthy, is what we are all about. 


Developmental Services of Leeds & Grenville


Rideau Lakes Chiropractic